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WWC KIDS™ change your child's life one forkful at a time
Located in Lyndhurst, NJ 201-636-2143


Weight Wellness Center KIDS Testimonials

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Here's What Clients Are Saying About Wellness Center KIDS

Dear Future Nutrition Members,

My name is Ben. I weighed about 150 pounds six months ago. At first, I did not want to do this program because I thought it wouldn't work and that I just wouldn't like it. But I told myself that I need to lose weight. I also wanted to be in shape for sports and not gasp for air while doing it. The first time I went back to Jennifer after my consultation, I was nervous that I would have to eat things I did not like. Turns out you don't have to — all you need to do is know what you are eating and when is enough. I also had to start doing more exercise. The good part was that I was signed up for soccer so I would be working out. Then, over the summer, I would go on a trip with my uncle for 19 days. During the trip, we were hiking a lot so when I got back, I couldn't wait to see how much weight I lost. Turns out I lost 9 pounds on the trip. Thanks to Jennifer, I lost more than 20 pounds in six months. I feel so much better and was so much better at soccer this year because I was lighter.

Thank you, Jennifer!!


- Ben R., Age 12

Six months ago, I had a 12-year-old son that I always joked was like a 60-year-old. And while I laughed and joked about this, deep down I was very concerned for my son. I remembered being his age and being full of life and energy and wasn’t seeing any of that in him. He was overweight, completely unmotivated, lazy, sick all the time, always at a doctor. I knew that I had to make some drastic changes for him, and they started with returning to the basics — food.

My girlfriend had told me a while ago about Jennifer and I had filed it away in the back of my head thinking that I would never be able to get my son to buy into such a program. But in the spring, I knew that I had to get him in for a consultation and crossed my fingers that he would give it a try. I knew that this was the type of commitment that I could not force him into but rather he had to embrace it on his own in order to be effective. And even though it took some time, patience, and of course some, reverse psychology we got Ben enrolled.

Jennifer has a way about her that allows the kids to drop their guard and be receptive to what she is saying. My son is NOT an easy child — he is opinionated and stubborn and has a very strong will, but Jennifer was able to get him beyond that by REALLY making him understand the connection between what you put into your body and how you feel. She was able to work around his nuances and refusal to ever keep a food journal, and still teach him the tools that would help him to become such a stronger, healthier teenager.

Six months ago, I had a 12-year-old son who was going on 60, and thanks to Jennifer I now have a very healthy, strong, resilient teenager who has learned some tremendous life skills and has the body of a normal teenager. I cannot thank Jennifer enough for her program and teaching skills — she has literally changed my son’s life!

- Ben’s Mother – Holly

Veronica became more open to trying new foods! Thank you WWC KIDS for taking the time to work with Veronica and letting her see there is a world beyond carbs!

- Cathy about her daughter Veronica, Age 5 

"Being a part of WWC KIDS during my senior year of high school transformed my approach to wellness and nutrition as I entered college and adulthood. It provided a foundation for food choices that kept me healthy and fit during late nights at the library, an unlimited meal plan and a seemingly endless supply of pizza. Now, as I navigate grocery shopping and making my own dinner each night, I fall back on the habits that were first instilled at WWC KIDS. The gift of WWC KIDS wasn't for several month, rather the education and confidence that I gained will influence my nutrition decisions for the rest of my life. I cannot be more grateful to my mother and WWC KIDS for charting a course of health, mindfulness and empowerment through food education."

- Stephanie, Age 24

"I remember the day my daughter walked into WWC KIDS l thought it was just another bs [sic] place, so I was very doubtful that they could help my daughter. I signed her up for 3 months and I saw the difference so I signed her up for 3 more months. She has lost 14lbs and the best part was they taught her how to keep control of her eating habits and she is doing it! Thank you ... I highly recommend your place. My daughter's confidence in her looks has improved drastically. Thank you for this."

- Tracy about her daughter Taylor, Age 16 

"I learned how to make food work for me and fuel my softball game."

- Carly, age 11- reversed her elevated lipid levels

When she was asked what she did to make that happen she matter-of-factly stated, "I kept a food diary!"

- Makenna, Age 9 - Down 2.2 pounds of fat weight in 7 days

"I had one Swedish fish instead of a handful, one munchkin instead of 3. I drank water instead of juice. I made my own salad with baby kale and a little Ranch dressing, a hard boiled egg, some chicken and a little cheese. When I wanted a snack I had a Greek yogurt. I also swam more laps." 

- Madison, age 8 - Down 2.4 pounds in one week

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